Becon Consortium Statement re Outcome of Judicial Review

By May 14, 2018September 20th, 2021No Comments

“The Becon Consortium participated as an interested party in the Judicial Review of the decision by the Department for Infrastructure to grant planning permission for the arc21 Residual Waste Treatment Facility.”

“We are disappointed with the outcome of the Judicial Review process for what we believe is one of the most regionally significant and strategically important infrastructure projects currently required here in Northern Ireland.”

“The original planning decision by the Department followed very clear recommendation from the independent Planning Appeals Commission (PAC) report, which recognised the strategic need for the facility, its compliance with regional waste policy and the significant environmental benefits it will deliver. At the PAC hearing the facts around this project were robustly considered and any concerns raised through the planning process were addressed in a measured way. Ultimately the PAC made an unambiguous recommendation to the Department to approve the project, alongside a series of planning conditions and they in turn concurred by granting planning approval.”

“We note that the decision not to uphold this decision does not change the material facts at the heart of the planning decision, the project’s compliance with regional waste policy or indeed remove the strategic need for such infrastructure here in Northern Ireland in the future. Instead, the judge’s decision is entirely based on procedural matters in relation to the ability of the Department to make a decision in the absence of a Minister in post.”

“While this a frustrating setback, we remain fully committed to delivering this project on behalf of arc21 and will now take time to consult with them, to consider the implications of this decision and agree the next steps to move this strategically important infrastructure project forward.”


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